Is Dong Quai a Safe Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Black Cohosh Ginkgo Biloba Dong Quai Ginseng Red Clover Soy Vitex Macafem
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh grows in the woods of eastern North America
Ginkgo Biloba
Traditionally used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
Dong Quai
Dong Quai is often referred to as "the female ginseng"
The Chinese word "rénshén" means "man root" in English
Red Clover
Originates from Asia, parts of Northern Africa, and Central Europe
Traditionally used in the Orient as a source of protein and medicine
Vitex agnus-castus is also called chaste tree
Originates from the Andean mountains of Perú

Is Dong Quai a Safe Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Is Dong Quai a Safe Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy? There are many ways to combat the symptoms of menopause. These range from small changes to your diet and lifestyle, and herbal remedies, to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT has proved a popular option as it has an immediate effect on relieving menopausal symptoms.

However, HRT has been associated with increasing the risk of cancer, strokes, blood clotting, and cardiovascular disease. Many women are therefore searching for alternative, natural ways to combat the symptoms of menopause.

Dong quai is in increasingly popular herbal remedy for menopausal symptoms. It is available as pills, powder, dried root slices, tinctures, and tea, and can be very effective in treating menopausal symptoms, including:

Is Dong Quai a Safe Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy? . Hot flashes
. Night sweats
. Mood swings
. Headaches
. Fatigue
. Loss of libido

Read on to learn more about dong quai, how it works, and its risks and benefits.

Dong Quai: How and Why

Dong Quai is a phytoestrogenic herb. It contains an estrogen-like substance produced in the plant. When ingested, it mimics the role of estrogen in the body. When consumed by a menopausal woman it supplements her fluctuating levels of estrogen, which are the fundamental cause of menopausal symptoms. Like HRT, dong quai treats menopausal symptoms at a hormonal level, but without the same associated risks.

The Benefits of Dong Quai

As well as combating menopause symptoms, dong quai has a number of other positive effects on general health. Dong quai:

Is Dong Quai a Safe Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy? . Increases metabolism
. Strengthens the immune system
. Is an anti-inflammatory
. Is thought to reduce the risk of arthritis.

The Risks Associated with Dong Quai

There are a number of risks and side effects associated with dong quai use. It is important to always follow the recommended dosage, and to speak with a doctor if you are in any doubt. Associated risks include:

. An increased chance of breast cancer

Although the link has not been proven for sure, current cancer patients must take particular care when taking dong quai, and must consult a doctor before use.

. Thinning the blood

Dong quai has anticoagulant, or blood-thinning properties. It may increase the risk of bleeding, and should not be used alongside other anticoagulant drugs such as asprin, warfarin or heparin.

. Increased chance of miscarriage during pregnancy

Although not applicable to women during menopause, dong quai can damage the health of the fetus during pregnancy due to its hormonal and anticoagulant properties.

Dong quai can be a safe alternative to HRT, if taken correctly, and if you are aware of its possible risks. It is important to be aware of all the risks and benefits associated with treatments you might be considering for your menopause symptoms.

Click on the following link to learn more about the symptoms you might be experiencing, and how to combat them using other herbal remedies.

Main Sections
Is an Andean plant regarded as one of the best treatments for menopause symptoms because of it boosts the endocrine system.
Dong Quai
Is an Asian plant that has been used for thousands of years to treat gynecological problems, blood disorders, and as a sedative.
Ginkgo Biloba
Is a popular and ancient Chinese herbal remedy used to improve circulation, mental performance, and menopause symptoms.
Is a root widely used by Chinese, Koreans and Native Americans as a preventative treatment and to increase vitality.
Is a healthy, low-fat source of protein and is used as treat menopause because of its high amount of phytoestrogens.
Red Clover
Is a variety of Clover with a high nutritional value and it's widely used as an immune-booster and menopause relief, but it has some side effects.
Black Cohosh
Is a phytoestrogenic herb from eastern North America and it is used as a supplement to treat several illnesses, including menopause symptoms.
Used since roman times to help women with hormonal imbalances, but pregnant women should avoid it.
Which herb should women try? Today women are looking for relief from their menopause symptoms with herbs. Phytoestrogenic herbs and non-estrogenic herbs are good in relieving menopause symptoms, but recent studies show that non-estrogenic herbs have no side effects because they help the body to produce its own hormones instead of introducing hormones like the phytoestrogenic ones. Learn more about non-estrogenic herbs for menopause.
Is Dong Quai a Safe Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy?