Black Cohosh Ginkgo Biloba Dong Quai Ginseng Red Clover Soy Vitex Macafem
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh grows in the woods of eastern North America
Ginkgo Biloba
Traditionally used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years
Dong Quai
Dong Quai is often referred to as "the female ginseng"
The Chinese word "r�nsh�n" means "man root" in English
Red Clover
Originates from Asia, parts of Northern Africa, and Central Europe
Traditionally used in the Orient as a source of protein and medicine
Vitex agnus-castus is also called chaste tree
Originates from the Andean mountains of Perú


vitex-treeVitex Chasteberry Tree is a plant that grows in the warm Mediterranean regions. In these areas people have been eating Vitex Chasteberry for many years to help them with unpleasant hormonal imbalance symptoms. Drank as a tincture, eaten as a garnish, or taken as a tablet, Vitex Agnus Castus can be very beneficial to the system.

Vitex Agnus Castus has been proven in scientific studies to help women overcome hormonal imbalance. Although some women (such as those who are pregnant) are advised against taking Vitex Agnus Castus, it can help with problems such as: PMS (premenstrual syndrome), PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and menopause. Furthermore it can also have women with their fertility and ovulation.

Even so there may be some unpleasant side effects of eating Vitex Chasteberry Tree. If women experience Vitex side effects such as nausea, headaches, or a rash they should immediately visit their doctor.

Read below for more information about Vitex Chasteberry Tree.

About Vitex

Vitex Chasteberry Tree is a tall plant that grows in the warm Mediterranean regions. It is a purple flowering plant that has a wide green base, and has been eaten for many years to help people with their hormonal imbalance problems.

vitex-namesVitex Agnus Castus has many different names that women may call it by, such as:

. Vitex
. Agnus Castus
. Chasteberry Tree,
. And monk's pepper.

The reason Vitex has different names is because it belongs to the Vitex plant group, which is why it is called Vitex Agnus Castus. However In the regions where it grows Vitex Chasteberry Tree berries were drank by local monks to help keep their libido levels lowered. This would then help to keep them 'chaste', hence the name Chasteberry Tree.

vitex-pmsHowever Vitex Agnus Castus only helps to keep the libido levels lowered when taken in large quantities. In small quantities Vitex helps to boost libido levels. It can also help with unpleasant PMS symptoms, breast pain, and fertility.

Vitex Agnus Castus works because it contains compounds that interact with the Pituitary glands. These compounds cause the pituitary glands to increase their production of luitnizing hormones, and decrease the production of follicle stimulating hormones. This then has the indirect effect of causing the body to increase its production of progesterone hormones.

Click on the following link to learn more about Vitex, or keep reading to find out more about the use of Vitex Chasteberry Tree

Uses of Vitex

Vitex Chasteberry Tree has many different uses, which are all primarily linked to balancing hormone levels. This is because Vitex works by having an effect on the pituitary glands that indirectly causes them to increase their secretion of progesterone hormones.

Vitex Chasteberry Tree has many different uses, helping to relieve many of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance problems, such as:

. vitex-libidoPremenstrual syndrome (PMS),
. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),
. Breast pain,
. Mild hyperprolactinemia,
. Luteal phase defect
. And a loss of libido

In fact Vitex Agnus Castus has been proven in scientific studies to have a measurable effect on the signs and symptoms of these hormonal imbalance problems. Furthermore Vitex Chasteberry tree is also beneficial to women's overall health levels, helping them to avoid headaches, nausea, and the common cold.

Vitex Chasteberry Tree can be taken and used in a number of different ways, for example as a:

. vitex-leafCider,
. Tincture,
. Juice,
. Tablet,
. Elixir,
. Or the top four inches of the stem, the leaves, and the berries can be eaten as a garnish.

Whichever way women chose to use Vitex Agnus Castus to help their hormonal imbalance problems it is equally effective. However the majority of women may find it easiest to take two Vitex Agnus Castus tablets daily, which are available in any well stoked drug store.

To continue reading about the uses of Vitex Agnus Castus click on the following link, or continue below to learn about Vitex benefits and fertility.

Vitex Benefits and Fertility, Ovulation and Pregnancy

vitex-fertilityVitex Agnus Castus is beneficial for women hoping to increase their fertility levels because it contains compounds that cause an increase in the number luteinizing compounds being produced, and a decrease in the number of follicle stimulating hormones being produced. This then indirectly results in an increase in the secretion of progesterone hormones from the pituitary glands.

Progesterone hormones are important for fertility because they play a large number of roles in ovulation and pregnancy. For example progesterone hormones:

. Increase libido levels,
. Produces a vaginal mucus that makes intercourse comfortable and prevents infections,
. And finally progesterone is in control of the estrogens in the body, which means it is important for hormonal balance to have a good level of progesterone hormones.

Furthermore Vitex Agnus Castus is not only a useful plant for women hoping to boost their libido levels it also helps women to have more regular ovulation. Vitex Chasteberry and ovulation are linked because ovulation also requires progesterone hormones, in order to:

. vitex-pregnancyInform the uterus it is going to expect an egg,
. To release the egg from the body if the egg is not fertilized,
. And lastly low levels of progesterone hormones actually leave women unable to ovulate.

Thus Vitex Agnus Castus for ovulation in very important due to the vital role that progesterone plays during ovulation. As a result of the essential role that progesterone hormones play in fertility and ovulation Vitex Chasteberry Tree is beneficial for women hoping to become pregnant.

Click here for more information about Vitex Chasteberry tree Ovulation, Fertility and Pregnancy, or alternatively keep reading to discover more about Vitex Benefits.

Vitex Benefits

There are many Vitex Chasteberry benefits that women may experience. A plant that can be eaten as a garnish or drank as a tincture, Vitex Agnus Castus has an effect on the pituitary glands, which causes them to increase their production of progesterone hormones.

Vitex Agnus Castus has overall health benefits that women can expect to experience even if they do not suffer from hormonal imbalance problems. For example Vitex Agnus Castus helps to:

vitex-skin. Keep the skin clear,
. Prevent women's weight from fluctuating widely,
. Build a strong immune system that prevents women from developing problems such as the common cold,
. Allowing for undisturbed sleep,
. And boosting nutrition.

Consequently this reveals that Vitex Chasteberry benefits are many before it even begins to target specific health problems. Nevertheless Vitex Chasteberry Tree can help women to target specific health problems. For example it assists women looking the combat the symptoms of:

vitex-fibroids. PMS (premenstrual syndrome),
. PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome),
. Uterine fibroid bleeding,
. Menopause,
. Un-needed breast milk being produced,

Vitex Chasteberry benefits have been proven in scientific studies to have a measurable positive effect on the system. When drank, eaten, or taken as a tablet Vitex Agnus Castus reviews reveal that many women have found it to have a positive effect on their system.

To read more about Vitex Chasteberry benefits click on the following link, alternatively keep on this age to discover more information about Vitex side effects.

Vitex Side Effects

Vitex Agnus Castus is a plant that has many beneficial qualities; furthermore having been shown in scientific studies to help with hormonal imbalance it has become increasingly popular. Nevertheless there are some warnings about Vitex Chasteberry, and some side effects that women should be aware of.


There are some women who should not take Vitex Chasteberry Tree due to the side effects of the drug on their illness. For example those who suffer from the following problems should not take Vitex Agnus Castus without approval from a doctor:

pregnant-woman. Pregnant ladies,
. Those with hormonal imbalance disease, such as breast cancer,
. Parkinson's disease,
. Schizophrenia,
. Or an allergy to Chasteberry Tree.

These women should not take Vitex Agnus Castus because of the potential side effects. However there are others who may experience a bad reaction to Vitex Chasteberry Tree.

Possible side effects of Vitex Chasteberry tree

Unfortunately some people do experience adverse side effects after taking Vitex Chasteberry Tree. Although these side effects are uncommon the plant can cause some women to experience;

vitex-headaches. Headaches,
. Nausea,
. Stomach cramps,
. Rash,
. Itching,
. Swelling,
. And nausea.

If women experience these Agnus Castus Vitex side effects they should immediately inform their medical practitioner. Nevertheless there are other natural supplements that women can use if they have an adverse side effect to Vitex Agnus Castus, such as:

vitex-herbs. Macafem,
. Ginseng,
. Ginkgo,
. Black cohosh,
. Red clover,
. And unicorn hair.

Click on the following link to learn more information about the unpleasant side effects of Vitex Chasteberry Tree, or alternatively read below to discover more about Vitex and menopause.

Vitex and Menopause

Menopause is a tough time for women that can leave them struggling to continue with their normal daily activities. The signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance can have a severe effect on women's lives, for example the following signs and symptoms can be intolerable:

vitex-weight. Hot flashes,
. Night sweats,
. Brittle nails,
. Burning tongue,
. Weight gain,
. Vaginal dryness,
. A loss of libido,
. And mood swings.

As a consequence many women are left running to the nearest menopause treatment they can find in order to balance their hormone levels. In recent years one of these treatments has been Vitex Agnus Castus tablets.

vitex-growsVitex Agnus Castus is a plant that grows in the warm regions of the Mediterranean area. In these areas people have been consuming Vitex Chasteberry tree for many years in order to take control over their hormone levels. However it has become increasingly popular in other countries are being proven in scientific studies to have a measurable effect on women's progesterone hormone levels.

Vitex Agnus Castus contains compounds that cause the Pituitary glands to increase their secretion of progesterone hormones. It is this action that helps many women with their menopausal signs and symptoms.

Click here to learn about Vitex and menopause in greater detail.

Which herb should women try? Today women are looking for relief from their menopause symptoms with herbs. Phytoestrogenic herbs and non-estrogenic herbs are good in relieving menopause symptoms, but recent studies show that non-estrogenic herbs have no side effects because they help the body to produce its own hormones instead of introducing hormones like the phytoestrogenic ones. Learn more about non-estrogenic herbs for menopause.