Can Black Cohosh Regulate My Irregular Periods?
One of the first signs that a woman has entered the perimenopause phase is the beginning of irregular periods. Irregular periods are caused by the drop in a woman's estrogen levels.
Irregular periods are one of the more frustrating symptoms of menopause because there is very little that can be done to stop them from happening; they are one way a woman's body tells her that it is moving from one phase in her life to another.
But there are some things, black cohosh being one of them, which women can add to their lives to help them regulate their irregular periods.
How Black Cohosh Can Help
Black cohosh is a supplement that has been widely used to treat a variety of illness and diseases. It contains diaphoretic, antipyretic, antifungal and antibacterial compounds. Each of these help to treat menstrual and rheumatism problems, which are often caused by inflammation and infection.
Recent studies are claiming that black cohosh does not contain estrogen-like chemicals, like previously thought, meaning scientists still do not understand exactly how black cohosh works with the body. Most commonly, black cohosh is used to help women suffering from hormone irregularities including infertility, menstrual irregularities and common menopause symptoms.
Other Benefits and Risks
Not only could adding black cohosh into your life help you regulate your irregular periods, but it can also help combat many other symptoms of menopause. These include mood swings, depression and irregular sleeping habits.
Because black cohosh has the ability to increase levels of estrogen, the cause of all menopausal symptoms, it is one of the best herbs to take when trying to combat your pesky menopausal symptoms.
But it is important to always consult your doctor before adding black cohosh into your life because some women have reported serious side effects and others have reported serious allergic reactions.
Side effects can include nausea and generally feeling unwell. And if you have an allergic reaction you would experience swelling of the face, tongue, lips and possibly even hives. So, although black cohosh can help curb some of the symptoms of menopause, you should proceed with extreme caution before taking it and decide if the risks are worth the benefits.
To learn about other herbs that will help you battle your symptoms of menopause, click on the following link and find out about different herbs for menopause.