Dong Quai Root
Black Cohosh Ginkgo Biloba Dong Quai Ginseng Red Clover Soy Vitex Macafem
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh grows in the woods of eastern North America
Ginkgo Biloba
Traditionally used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years
Dong Quai
Dong Quai is often referred to as "the female ginseng"
The Chinese word "r�nsh�n" means "man root" in English
Red Clover
Originates from Asia, parts of Northern Africa, and Central Europe
Traditionally used in the Orient as a source of protein and medicine
Vitex agnus-castus is also called chaste tree
Originates from the Andean mountains of Perú

Dong Quai Root

Dong quai root or the perennial phytoestrogenic herb known by its Angelica Sinensis is found in various mountainous territories of China, Korea and Japan. In appearance the Dong Quai root is a varying shades of brown and thick. Its history is said to date back millions of years, where ancient Asian cultures long cultivated it for its medicinal purposes.

The ways in which dong quai root works

Dong Quai RootDong quai root contains phytoestrogens which have been proven to have a biological structure which is chemically similar to estrogen. This component of many phytoestrogenic plants is capable of regenerating diminished estrogen levels. Estrogen is a key part of the body and an imbalance can cause a number of painful or embarrassing menopause symptoms for women approaching middle age.

The uses of dong quai root

Over its million years of existence dong quai root has had a variety of medicinal uses. Ancient Chinese civilization used to use it as a sedative, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic. Despite these ancient cultural uses, dong quai in the modern day is used to treat a host of menopause symptoms. Like other phytoestrogenic herbs, such as ginseng and black cohosh the properties of Dong Quai Root are good at treating such symptoms. Dong Quai Root is known for being able to treat the following effectively:

Dong Quai Root. Sleep disturbances.
. Relief from menstrual disorders.
. The relaxing of peripheral blood vessels.
. Spasms.
. Relief from menopausal symptoms.

Advantages of dong quai root

Dong quai root as a viable option to hormone replacement therapy: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an expensive but effective option in the treatment of menopause symptoms. Many see dong quai root as a cheaper alternative that soothes many menopause symptoms through a similar process.

Dong quai root as treatment for other conditions: Dong quai root has been proven capable of relieving other health concerns unrelated to menopause, including: high blood pressure, PMS and arthritis.

Dong quai root is an efficient treatment method for menopause symptoms: Dong quai root is seen as an herb that can provide fast effective relief against menopause symptoms.

Disadvantages of dong quai root

Dong quai root can cause complications with other drugs: Due to its capability of conflicting with other drugs does taking anticoagulants or women who are pregnant should not use dong quai root.

Dong Quai RootDong quai root, rashes and skin inflammation: The consumption of Dong quai root increases a person's sensitivity to the sun and without sunscreen; such sensitivity can result in painful inflammations or rashes on the skin.

Dong quai root and breast cancer: Dong quai root has been proven to aggravate the spread of breast cancer cells.


Dong quai root has been proven capable of helping with some of the symptoms of menopause. Because of its potent properties which include phytoestrogens, it also comes with a range of side effects which can pose serious health concerns to women using it. Because some of these side effects can often prove to be more dangerous than the symptoms they are trying to cure, a great deal of consideration should be undertaken before using Dong quai root.

What other options for women are there? Because of some of the dangerous effects of phytoestrogenic herbs such as Dong quai root, many women consider the other alternatives before using the herb in order to treat their menopause symptoms. HRT is one option but others have begun to use non-estrogenic herbs as an alternative means of treatment.

Main Sections
Is an Andean plant regarded as one of the best treatments for menopause symptoms because of it boosts the endocrine system.
Dong Quai
Is an Asian plant that has been used for thousands of years to treat gynecological problems, blood disorders, and as a sedative.
Ginkgo Biloba
Is a popular and ancient Chinese herbal remedy used to improve circulation, mental performance, and menopause symptoms.
Is a root widely used by Chinese, Koreans and Native Americans as a preventative treatment and to increase vitality.
Is a healthy, low-fat source of protein and is used as treat menopause because of its high amount of phytoestrogens.
Red Clover
Is a variety of Clover with a high nutritional value and it's widely used as an immune-booster and menopause relief, but it has some side effects.
Black Cohosh
Is a phytoestrogenic herb from eastern North America and it is used as a supplement to treat several illnesses, including menopause symptoms.
Used since roman times to help women with hormonal imbalances, but pregnant women should avoid it.
Which herb should women try? Today women are looking for relief from their menopause symptoms with herbs. Phytoestrogenic herbs and non-estrogenic herbs are good in relieving menopause symptoms, but recent studies show that non-estrogenic herbs have no side effects because they help the body to produce its own hormones instead of introducing hormones like the phytoestrogenic ones. Learn more about non-estrogenic herbs for menopause.
Dong Quai Root